MLA from the mountains to the prairies

MPLA Representative -- Job Description

TITLE: Mountain Plains Library Association (MPLA) Representative

VISION:Montana’s libraries and librarians will be vital and respected components of national and regional library associations.


Association Representatives (to PNLA, MPLA, and ALA) ensure that Montana’s libraries and librarians are vital and respected components of national and regional library associations. They enlarge and share the resources and concerns of the state, improving the quality of Montana library services and collections through their interaction. They support professional development of Montana librarians through exploration and promotion of regional and national opportunities. They enhance the stature of Montana libraries and librarians by communicating local information and achievements to regional and national bodies. They help develop association leaders by promoting programs and professional development opportunities. The mission of the MPLA Representative is specifically to serve as the representative of MLA to MPLA and form a liaison to interpret the wishes and policies of MLA to MPLA and MPLA to MLA.


  • Keep abreast of MPLA board and conference activities and communicate them regularly
    to the MLA board and membership.
  • Track MLA activities and communicate them regularly to the MPLA board and
  • Advise MPLA on matters of interest to MLA.
  • Advocate for MPLA committee appointments from the Montana membership.
  • Serve as MPLA membership point of contact for Montana MLA/MPLA members.


  • Attend all MPLA board meetings and the annual MPLA joint conference.
  • Report orally, if requested, to MLA membership at MLA Annual Conference.
  • Submit reports on activities occurring within the state at all meetings of the MPLA board.
  • Attend all MLA board meetings and the MLA annual conference.
  • Provide MPLA membership information at MLA annual conference through an exhibit booth and membership drawings as appropriate.
  • Submit reports on activities occurring within MPLA at all meetings of the MLA Board.
  • Submit periodic reports to the MPLA Secretary and the MLA President to be included in the reports at the MPLA and MLA annual conferences.
  • Vote on issues at MPLA and MLA board meetings.
  • Submit Montana library and MLA news items to the MPLA Web master and the editor of MPLA newsletter on a regular basis.
  • Write columns on MPLA news for each issue of MLA Focus.
  • Subscribe to and monitor MPLA 2.0 and Wired MT discussion lists.

TIMELINE: (office is assumed at conclusion of MLA conference in April, and is a 3-year term)


  • Submit Focus and MPLA newsletter columns (March)
  • Attend MLA and MPLA Conferences (April)
  • Submit budget request to MLA Executive Director (by early May)
  • Attend MLA Board Retreat (June)


  • Attend MPLA Board meeting (July)
  • Submit Focus and MPLA newsletter columns (late May and July) Fall
  • Attend MPLA Board meeting (October)
  • Attend MLA Board meeting (October)
  • Submit Focus and MPLA newsletter columns (September and November)


  • Submit Focus and MPLA newsletter columns (January)
  • Attend MPLA Board meeting (January)
  • Attend MLA Board meeting (January)

JOB DESCRIPTION:MLA active member; MPLA member; able to travel; willing to communicate issues orally and in writing at regular, frequent intervals.


Request funding from MLA for:

  • MPLA joint conference (travel and registration)
  • MPLA Board meetings (travel and hotel)

HISTORY: In 1948 a group of librarians met at the first Mountain Plains Library Conference in Estes Park, CO. The idea for a regional library association grew out of the Bibliographical Center for Research (BCR), where libraries were already sharing materials and ideas. Originally formed by members from 7 states, it later grew to 12, and has held joint conferences with one state each year rather than have a separate MPLA conference.

Updated January 2018

Montana Library Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 823, Arlee, MT 59821

2025 Montana Library Association

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