MLA from the mountains to the prairies

Executive Director


  • Employment Agreement: The Montana Library Association employs an Executive Director, who reports to the Board of Directors – specifically to the Executive Board. MLA and the Executive Director (ED) enter into an employment agreement on an annual basis. This agreement governs the employment relationship between the two parties, including the salary paid to the ED.
  • Job Description: The Executive Committee will maintain a written job description for the position of ED. The job description and the duties of the ED as set forth in the Manual of Procedure should be reviewed annually by the Executive Committee, in consultation with the ED, and revised if necessary.
  • Performance Evaluation: The Board of Directors shall annually evaluate the Executive Director’s performance of his/her duties. The President shall provide the ED with a written copy of the performance evaluation and request that the ED return a signed copy to the President for his/her files.

Duties of the Executive Director

  • Membership Support: The ED will maintain membership records for the association. This will include:
    • Notify members of the need to renew their memberships through Wired-MT and/or FOCUS beginning in April and continuing through September. Oct. 1 any member not renewed is listed as inactive in the database. Their name is not deleted. A list of inactive member names will be sent to the Directors-at-large to contact via email to encourage renewals.
    • Maintaining a database of all members and providing membership statistics, including preparing a current membership report for each meeting of the Board of Directors and an annual report on membership for the year.
    • Weekly or bi-weekly the membership database will be updated on the MLA web page Directory. The membership directory will also include each division members by group, officers, committee chairs and committee members, division officers, interest group chairs and interest group members.
    • Serving as an ex officio member of the Membership Committee.
  • Fiscal Support: The ED will act as fiscal agent for the Association. Specific duties will include:
    • receiving and depositing in an appropriate bank account all monies of the MLA and disbursing such funds as directed by the Board of Directors, including handling members expense reimbursements;
    • keeping proper records of accounts, including maintaining accounts payable and receivable and other financial records;
    • working with the Board (and specifically with the Secretary-Treasurer and the Budget Committee) to establish an annual budget for the Association;
    • providing financial reports to the Board of Directors on a regular basis, including an annual end-of-year financial report;
    • arranging for an audit of accounts and providing audit reports to the Board;
    • maintaining and filing Federal reports, State Corporate reports and any other business reports deem necessary.
  • Administrative Support: The ED will provide administrative support for MLA and Board activities. These may include:
    • maintaining a mailing or email address list for bulk mailings, ballots, officers, divisions and interest groups and others;
    • attending MLA Board meeting and taking minutes along with the Secretary;
    • Collaborate with the Secretary to email copies of minutes of each Board meeting to all members of the Board of Directors and others, as directed by the Board;
    • maintaining a file of current minutes, pertinent correspondence and communications, obtaining file and archival materials from the officers of MLA, chairs of divisions, committees, interest groups and others shortly before or immediately following the annual conference, in consultation with the Executive Committee according to MLA guidelines for inclusion in the archives at the Montana Historical Society.
    • updating and maintaining the Manual of Procedures, Bylaws and other MLA documents in consultation with the Executive Committee and distribute the to all incoming officers;
    • maintaining MLA’s memberships in ALA, MPLA and PNLA;
    • sending a list of new officers and the names of the ALA Councilor, Legislative Chair, PNLA and MPLA representatives, and new division chairs the dates and places of next annual conference to appropriate entities.
  • Conference support: The ED will provide support for the annual MLA conference. Conference support may include:
    • Coordination and work with the Conference Planning Co-chairs, including maintenance of the conference planning manual.

Montana Library Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 823, Arlee, MT 59821

2025 Montana Library Association

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