MLA from the mountains to the prairies

Social Media Policy

The Montana Library Association (MLA) social media policy identifies proper uses and restrictions for content posted to MLA social media sites.

Purpose and Audience

MLA’s use of social media is intended for communicating with MLA members, potential MLA members and the library community at large, especially within Montana. Information posted to MLA’s social media sites will strive to create awareness about MLA’s purpose, which is to promote library interest and development and to raise the standards of library services in the state of Montana. Library-related issues and events may also be featured.


Oversight: The MLA Marketing and Public Relations committee will oversee MLA’s social media sites.

Quantity: MLA will maintain, at a minimum, one Facebook page, one Twitter account, one Flickr account, and one Instagram account.

Who may post: MLA Board members, committee chairs, and interest group chairs, as well as members of the marketing and public relations committee, are encouraged to post to MLA’s social media sites. However, all MLA members can participate as appropriate and according to this policy. Posters must behave in a professional manner and conduct themselves as a representative of MLA in accordance with all MLA policies.

Subject matter: Topics for postings should be MLA-related or have a library connection. Re-tweets and shares are acceptable. Examples of appropriate content include:

  • Notices of upcoming meetings and events
  • Best practices for libraries
  • Information about library services, trends, or technology
  • Marketing materials for libraries
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Training and continuing education opportunities

Best Practices

Privacy: Do not disclose personal information. Prior to posting, consider content carefully, as all posted content becomes part of the permanent public record.

Respect copyright: Attribute quotes and excerpts to the original author or source. When referencing an MLA post, please provide a link to the original post.

Branding and design: Social media pages and accounts should feature approved MLA branding, such as the logo, and provide a link to the MLA Webpage.

Improper Use

Postings, comments and articles containing the following violations will be removed:

  • Non-MLA or non-library related information including hyperlinks to material not directly related to the discussion
  • Political campaign information
  • Profanity or sexual content, personal attacks, racist content, or threatening language
  • Commercial sites, vendor advertisements or personal business transactions
  • Copyright violations
  • Private, personal information published without consent

Adopted Jan. 26, 2016

Montana Library Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 823, Arlee, MT 59821

2025 Montana Library Association

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