MLA from the mountains to the prairies

Membership Committee Chair Job Description

Title: Co-Chairs, Membership Committee

Vision: To have everyone who in the Montana library community as members. The membership committee works hand in hand with the Directors At Large and as such, shares the mission and goals of those directors.


Goal 1: The committee shall endeavor to enlist a large and active membership in the Montana Library Association.
Objective 1: Montana Library Association members and division Chairs are responsible for recruiting new members, and should coordinate their activities with the Executive Assistant to avoid duplication and/or contacting of paid members.

Goal 2: The committee shall be responsible for producing and maintaining a membership brochure, which can be used at gatherings in Montana to promote membership in Montana Library Association.
Objective 2: Co-chairs of this committee will have the responsibility of implementing the brochure. All members should be made aware of its existence and availability on the Montana Library Association Website.

Updated July 2008

Montana Library Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 823, Arlee, MT 59821

2025 Montana Library Association

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