MLA from the mountains to the prairies

President -- Duties

  1. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee, and meetings of members; shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board of Directors are carried out; shall appoint chair(s) to plan the program for the annual meeting of members; shall sign all leases, mortgages, deeds, and other written instruments, and shall co-sign promissory notes. [Bylaws Article VII, Sec. 4a]
  2. The President shall seek members to serve on standing committees and shall appoint chairs. Both committees and chairs shall be subject to approval by the Board of Directors; the President shall strive to preserve geographical distribution and equal representation of all types of libraries on the various committees where feasible.
  3. The President appoints such special committees and members as are needed.
  4. The President shall represent the Association and act as spokesperson for the Association on all established policies and represent the Association on or appoint representatives to all groups with which the Association is affiliated or has mutual concerns.
  5. The President is the leader of the Association and shall work toward moving the Association forward to achieve its purposes as set forth by the Bylaws and the acts of membership.
  6. The President has authority to approve payment of expense claims and invoices for expenses associated with budget allocations approved by the Board of Directors.
  7. The President may call special meetings of the Association on request in writing of 30 members of the Association and presides over such meetings.
  8. The President appoints a Local Arrangements Chair (or Chairs) to assist in planning and implementing the annual conference.
  9. The President appoints a parliamentarian for meetings of the Association.
  10. The President prepares a “State of the Association” report to be presented orally at a general session of the annual conference and published in Montana Library Focus. The purpose of the report is to identify membership issues and concerns that were addressed during the year and goals and/or objectives that were accomplished.
  11. The President keeps the membership informed during the year through articles in Montana Library Focus.
  12. The President arranges to have the Executive Director distribute the Manual of Procedures, or portions thereof to officers and appointed personnel.
  13. The President arranges to have the Executive Director distribute the Conference Planning Manual to those planning the annual conference.
  14. At least six months prior to the annual meeting of the members, the resident appoints a Nominating committee consisting of the immediate past chairs of each division and the immediate Past President, who shall serve as the committee chair. [Bylaws. Article XIV, Sec. 1]
  15. The President requires annual reports be submitted from chairs of divisions, committees and interest groups, as well as from PNLA and MPLA Representatives, and ALA Councilor. Annual reports are due by the date specified by the President.
  16. The President may also require interim reports during the year.
  17. The President transmits recommendations of past committees to the new Executive Committee at its first meeting and to the new committee chairs.
  18. The President composes a Message from the President for each bi-monthly publication of Montana Library Focus.


Updated June 2019

Montana Library Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 823, Arlee, MT 59821

2025 Montana Library Association

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