MLA from the mountains to the prairies

PNLA Representative -- Duties

  1. An active member of the Montana Library Association, who is also a personal member of the Pacific Northwest Library Association, shall be elected as a non-officer Board member of the PNLA for a term of three years, beginning of such term to coincide with that of the officers of PNLA. [Bylaws. Article IX, Sec. 1] (The year of PNLA covers the period from Oct. 1 through Sept. 30 of the following year, so although elected in the spring the representative does not assume office until October l.)
  2. If the position becomes vacant before the end of the term, the President appoints a representative to complete the term until the next regular election.
  3. The PNLA Representative attends all PNLA Board of Director’s meetings and the annual conference of PNLA. Traveling expenses for the first Board meeting of the year, usually held in October, is paid for either by MLA or PNLA.
  4. The PNLA Representative serves as the representative of MLA to PNLA and shall form a liaison to interpret the wishes and polices of the MLA to PNLA and PNLA to the MLA.
  5. The PNLA Representative reports orally, if requested, to the Association membership at the annual Conference.
  6. The PNLA Representative advises PNLA on committee appointments from Montana, having received prior consent of the persons to be recommended. PNLA Representative may wish to consult with the MLA President on this matter.
  7. The PNLA Representative submits reports on activities occurring within the state at all meetings of the PNLA Board of Directors.
  8. The PNLA Representative submits an annual report to the PNLA Secretary and the MLA President to be included in the reports at the PNLA and MLA annual conferences. At the PNLA Conference one copy should be given to the PNLA Secretary, one to the PNLA Quarterly editor and one to the PNLA Conference chair.

Montana Library Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 823, Arlee, MT 59821

2025 Montana Library Association

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