MLA from the mountains to the prairies

PLD Chair -- Job Description

TITLE: Public Library Division Chair

MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the Public Library Division of MLA is to develop, promote and improve library and information services in Montana Communities. Professional library staff provides multi-type access to information for all.


  1. To promote communication about and among public libraries in Montana.
    1. PLD will hold a yearly fall retreat in conjunction with ASLD (Academic/Special Library Division). The chair and vice chair will work together in planning and carrying out the workshops.
    2. Conference Planner will negotiate meals, hotel, speaker and other expenses for retreat.
    3. PLD membership will be quarried for input of topics for the retreat
    4. The registration will cover the cost of the retreat.
    5. Public librarians will work with the Executive Director to let Montana Librarians know what is going on in the public library world.
    6. Wired Montana and FOCUS will be used as an avenue to get the word out about
      Montana Libraries.
  2. To provide its membership with continuing education in developments, which can be utilized by librarians
    1. The chair will work with the state library for approval of CE’s for the Fall Retreat
  3. To promote a cooperative use of materials and facilities and the exchange of information among its membership.
    1. The PLD will support the Montana Library Network in local communities with education and links to the MLN site on the WEB.
    2. Cooperative resource sharing among libraries will help expand resources in Montana Communities. ILL statistics will be tallied in each public library.
    3. Wired Montana will be a vehicle for help through question and answer format.
    4. Public libraries will continue to provide expanded resources to communities through cooperative sharing with the state library bids.


MAY: Submit budget request to Executive Director/Budget Committee
JUNE 1: New officers and directors assume office.
JULY 1: Annual dues are due and payable.
AUGUST: Request for programs for Fall Retreat
AUGUST: Division chairs forward names of members of division subcommittees to President and Executive Director.
SEPTEMBER: Fall Retreat registration begins
OCTOBER: Attends Fall Retreat and Fall Board Meeting
JANUARY: Attend Legislative Day and Winter Board meeting held (Legislative years)
JANUARY: Attend Winter Board meeting Conference call (non-legislative years)
FEBRUARY: Attend Offline conference

FEBRUARY: Contact PLD members for officer interest
APRIL: Attend annual conferences and Spring Board meeting
APRIL: Preside at annual division meeting and elect new officers. Relay results and minutes of division meeting to Executive Director/MLA Board.


  1. Plan and preside over division meetings.
  2. Communicate with division members.
  3. Appoint committees and provide same with charge.
  4. Serve on MLA Executive Board (usually 4 meetings/year)
  5. Submit division budget request to MLA Executive Director/Budget Committee.
  6. Responsible for division budget expenditures.
  7. Prepare and submit annual report of division to MLA Board. (The Secretary is responsible for records of all meetings and correspondence of the division).


1996 Greta Chapman
1997 Rene Goss
1998 Jim Peters
1999 Donna Worth
2000 Honore Bray
2001 Cherie Heser
2008 Judy Hart
2009 Bonnie Williamson
2010 John Heldt
2011 Kathy Mora
2012 Pam Henley
2013 Matt Beckstrom
2014 Mary Braun
2015 Marje Doyle (replaced Rick Ball)
2016 Mitch Grady
2017 Kit Stephenson
2018 Mitch Grady

Updated August 2000
Updated January 2018

Montana Library Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 823, Arlee, MT 59821

2025 Montana Library Association

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