MLA from the mountains to the prairies

Retreat: Policies and Guidelines

The following policies and guidelines are set up to help retreat organizers plan a MLA-sponsored retreat. The following guide lets organizers know what MLA expects of them in holding a retreat as well as outlines the responsibilities of the MLA Executive/Budget Committees.


  1. The MLA Executive Committee reserves the right to cancel MLA sponsorship of any retreat if these policies and guidelines are not observed.
  2. A retreat may NOT be scheduled within two months before or two months after the annual MLA Conference.
  3. In considering locations for a retreat, preference should be given to sites where the annual MLA Conference is NOT held.
  4. Retreat organizers shall notify the MLA Budget Committee of their intentions when submitting the annual budget request.


  1. Organizers will publicly announce the retreat at least eight weeks prior to the event. The announcement shall include date and time, location, basic program, and registration fees.
  2. Registration forms will be distributed no later than six weeks before the retreat if sent via bulk mail or no later than five weeks if sent via first class mail or electronically.
  3. Promotional costs should be included in the general budget request of the organizing group.
  4. The retreat should be regularly promoted via e-lists, newsletters, or other appropriate means.
  5. A registration deadline will be established that will allow cancellation of the retreat with the
    minimum financial loss, if necessary.


  1. Retreat organizers should work with the MLA Executive Director and past retreat organizers to come up with a workable budget and plan.
  2. A preliminary budget will be submitted during the annual budget process.
  3. A detailed budget will be due to the MLA Secretary/Treasurer eight weeks prior to the retreat.
  4. Registration forms will indicate that checks/warrants be made payable toMontana Library Association.
  5. The registration form will include MLA’s FEIN 81-0366433.
  6. Purchase orders will be forwarded immediately to the MLA Executive Director for invoicing.
  7. All receipts and bills/reimbursement claims shall be submitted to the executive director within four weeks after the retreat. The executive director will pay all appropriately approved reimbursement claims.
  8. The Executive Director will include a financial report of the retreat in the annual MLA financial statement.

Allowable Expenses

  1. Alcohol expenses are not allowed except through donations or no-host venues.

Adopted May 2, 1998

Updated May 4, 2017

Montana Library Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 823, Arlee, MT 59821

2025 Montana Library Association

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