MLA from the mountains to the prairies

Bylaws Committee Chair

TITLE: MLA Bylaws Committee Chair

MISSION STATEMENT: To formulate and recommend to the Montana Library Association membership such changes in the MLA Bylaws as may be necessary.


  1. Respond to concerns of MLA Board for changes or clarifications which need to be made in bylaws.
  2. Prepare necessary amendments or revisions, using the existing bylaws, manual and appendices as guidelines and present them to the MLA Board in time for the Board’s winter meeting.
  3. Recommend to the Board when/where members will vote on changes.
  4. Have changes sent to members 30 days before the vote is to take place (use of FOCUS and Wired are recommended).
  5. Report outcome of vote to members and to the President and the Executive Director. Be sure the Executive Director has copy of the final changes for MLA records.


TIMELINE: Ongoing until completed

JOB DESCRIPTION: Be aware of, and facilitate, needed changes to the bylaws of the Montana Library Association.

Bobbi Otte, Chair
Lisa Mecklenberg Jackson
Samantha Buechler

Updated September 29, 2000
Updated October 24, 2017

Montana Library Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 823, Arlee, MT 59821

2025 Montana Library Association

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