MLA from the mountains to the prairies

Publication Guidelines

1. Montana Library Focus is published by the Montana Library Association as its official vehicle for communications. It is published six times a year in the months of February, April, June, August, October, and December. The deadline for submission of material follows:

o January 20 for the February issue

o March 20 for the April issue

o May 20 for the June issue

o July 20 for the August issue

o September 20 for the October issue

o November 20 for the December issue

2. Send submissions of reports, news releases, or features to:

3. Submissions are only accepted in electronic version. Acceptable formats include .doc, .docx, .pdf, .png and .jpg. For questions on submitting items in an alternate format contact the editors.

4. Reports should cover the business of MLA committees, divisions, or interest groups; for example, meetings, activities, announcements, upcoming events. As a general guideline, keep reports to approximately 700 words or less. Please contact the editors prior to submitting any report significantly longer than this.

5. News releases are brief announcements of interest to Montana librarians, but not related to official MLA business; for example, personnel news, grants received, programs held, new services offered. News releases should be approximately 500 words or less.

6. Features are any article-length (approximately 1000 plus words) essay, discussion, interview, research paper, or other form of expository writing. Please submit complete manuscript or contact the editors for details.

7. In general, writing in the third person is preferred for reports and news releases. Indicate your name, email address, affiliation, and phone number. Please include photo credit for any submitted photographs.

Montana Library Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 823, Arlee, MT 59821

2025 Montana Library Association

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