MLA from the mountains to the prairies

Directors at Large -- Job Description

TITLE: Director at Large (East), Director at Large (West)

VISION: To provide information about Montana Library Association to interested persons.

MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the Directors at Large is to promote membership and participation in the Montana Library Association and to act as a liaison between the MLA Board, Association interest groups and the membership


Goal 1: Keep the Montana library community aware of the organization, its goals, opportunities and benefits.
Objective 1: Contact existing members of all divisions using MLA Focus, keep them members and with their help, promote Montana Library Association to all new people working in and for libraries.
Objective 2: Work through multi-type Federation coordinators to recruit new library staff members informing them of benefits and professional growth opportunities available with MLA membership.

Goal 2: Provide interest groups with necessary information and materials to certify / re-certify at the annual spring conference of the Montana Library Association.
Objective 1: Provide certification forms, budget request materials and certification deadline information to all current Interest groups at/or near Conference Registration Desk at the Annual Conference.
Objective 2: Provide information and assistance to any new Interest Group who desire to organize and represent a special segment of the MLA membership.
Objective 3: Work with MLA’s Executive Assistant to make sure that Interest Groups have completed all necessary paperwork (met minimum membership requirements and filed a budget) prior to the start of the MLA fiscal year.

Goal 3: Encourage membership in the Association
Objective 1: Contact those members whose membership has lapsed for the current fiscal year in September or October and encourage them to keep their MLA membership current. Have this process completed by January 1.
Objective 2: Encourage new members of the Montana Library Community to become involved in MLA through participation in:

  • Divisions
  • Committees
  • Interest Groups
  • MLA Board Positions
  • Presenter as SLD and Fall Retreats and Offline
  • Presenters at the Annual Conference

Objective 3: Work with Conference Planners to arrange a New Member Breakfast or other event to welcome new members into the Montana Library Association at the annual conference. New members will be identified with their nametags.


JOB DESCRIPTION: The Directors at Large serve a two-year, rotating term. Their primary responsibilities are to promote active membership in the organization and to function as liaisons between the Board, the general membership and the interest groups.

Update July 2008
Updated January 2018

Montana Library Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. PO Box 823, Arlee, MT 59821

2025 Montana Library Association

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